Photo Gallery
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Match Racing Championships - Adelaide - April 2007

Kylie Forth from Western Australia took on the International Champion in her first match race as a skipper

There was close racing between the Italian skippers

Borg vs Bersani

Victorians Paul Borg & Roy Jewell have won the 2007 Australian Match Racing Regatta for Blind & Vision Impaired Sailors

4th Place - Forth and Aspinal

3rd Place - Santoni & Salmon

2nd Place - Bersani & Scott

1st Place - Borg and Jewell
Homerus 2006

Paul Borg & Kylie Forth closing in from behind at the 2006 Homerus Blind Match Racing Championships in Porto Maurizio, Italy.

Paul Borg & Kylie Forth lead to top Italian team at the 2006 Homerus Blind Match Racing Championships.

The victorious Australian Team at the 2006 Homerus Blind Match Racing Championships presentations. L-R - Sonya Staley (escort), David Staley (coach/manager), Paul Borg (helm), Kylie Forth (sheet hand), Margaret Forth (escort).

Australian Team for the 2005 Homerus Blind Match Racing Championships. L-R – David Staley (coach/manager), Don Scott (sheet hand), Paul Borg (helm).

Paul Borg & Kylie Forth training for the 2006 Homerus Blind Match Racing Championships.

Winners are grinners – Paul Borg & Kylie Forth after being presented with their 2006 Homerus International Championship trophies.

Borg & Scott secured a 1 leg advantage over the Swiss team in their 2005 match.

Italy and Israel enter the start between the two leeward acoustic buoys.

Kylie Forth, winning crew in the 2006 Homerus Championships

Paul Borg and Don Scott in practice races for the 2005 Homerus Championships. Umpire George Chapman (GBR) with two-way radio.

The victorious Australian team sail back to harbour at the conclusion of the 2006 Homerus International Championships.

Paul Borg and Don Scott were presented with their 2005 Australian Sailors of the Year with a Disability award by Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal in July 2006.

Paul Borg won the 2006 Australian Access Class 303 Championship against a fleet of sighted competitors.

The first meeting of the Homerus International Committee in Porto Maurizio, Italy, in May 2005.

Paul Borg – 2005 Victorian Sailor of the Year with a Disability with Yachting Victoria President, John Burgess, and Hugh.

Ame Barnbrook and Leigh Dunstan on Trapeze.

Australian Blind Sailing Regatta Team at Port Stevens |

Borg vs Parente, Got him on Starboard |